Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF)
...helping our students "Reach for the Stars!"

2024-'25 Mini Grants

Preschool Sensory Pathways
Boutwell Early Childhood Center
Stengrevics, Mansfield, Stiles
This grant funds three portable sensory pathways to be used in a new sensory space accessible to all students at Boutwell. Sensory pathways are interactive floor mats that encourage kinesthetic learning and encourage safe areas for movement. Students can skip, balance, and hop while learning simple math, literacy, and concentration skills.

National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) Annual Convention
GD High School
Cook, Wilkins
GDEF sponsored two GDRHS English teachers to attend the fall 2024 NCTE Annual Convention held in Boston. The goal is for these teachers to experience innovative approaches in teaching English from teachers, educators, and authors from all over the world. This experience brings fresh inspiration to the classroom while improving teaching knowledge and bolstering the English curriculum.

Robotomies Sponsorship
GD High School
GDEF sponsors the GDRHS’s Robotics team – The Robotomies. The team competes annually in the International FIRST Robotics Competition.

“Bridging the Generations” - Panel Discussion on Civic Life
GD Middle School
This grant sponsored a breakfast and panel discussion for 8th grade students with local senior citizens. Panelists answered student questions covering topics related to civic life such as paying taxes, technology use, and volunteering in the community.
2024-25 Major Grants

Calm Corner Pilot
GDEF provided funding for material costs associated with continuing the Calm Corner Pilot throughout the GD school district. A Calm Corner is an inclusionary space to support students in regulating their emotions throughout the school day. New classroom spaces in the program will receive a starter kit including various items such as a bean bag chair, breathing visuals, as well as sensory and cognitive tools (fidgets, putty, puzzles, marble mazes, etc.)

Nashua River Watershed Association (NRWA) Science-in-Residence Program
Swallow Union
Swallow Union PTO
This grant provides funding for the kindergarten classes at Swallow Union to participate in the NRWA’s Science-in-Residence (SIR) Program. The SIR program leads students in exploring science in nature with a three part seasonal program: "Discovering Fall," "Winter Animals," and "Spring Aquatic Insects.” Students will experience indoor and outdoor sessions that include the practice of scientific methods, data collection, hands-on experiential learning, and teamwork.

Swallow Union Art Mural
Swallow Union
Swallow Union PTO
GDEF provided funding to bring the Massachusetts-based published author/illustrator Ralph Masiello to SU. Masiello collaborated with the SU art teacher and all students to create a mural for the front entry hallway of the school. The students worked with the artist on ideas and execution.

Outdoor Learning Grade Level Kits
Florence Roche
This grant provides materials for outdoor learning kits that will augment the new FloRo Outdoor Learning Area. Grade-level specific kits will give educators and students tools to use the space easily and for a variety of outdoor lessons and activities. Kits will contain items such as exercise dice, conversation cubes, dry erase lap boards, insect viewers, and binoculars.

Character Education: Bullying & Cyberbullying Assembly
Swallow Union
GDEF funded SU’s school-wide assembly featuring world champion athlete and motivational speaker Chris Poulos. Poulos performed bicycle stunts and gave a dynamic presentation that focused on character education, anti-bullying, and the importance of core values.