Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF)
...helping our students "Reach for the Stars!"
Support the Annual Giving campaign
Each Fall, through our Annual Giving Campaign, GDEF reaches out to you, the community-at-large, for significant and vital support. Gifts to our Annual Giving Campaign are directly applied to grants in the current year. We invite you to visit our GDEF IMPACT page for highlights of these exceptional grants.
Recognize a Teaching Star!
We are lucky in the communities of Groton and Dunstable to have many outstanding teachers and educators who teach our children every day, in many ways. Not just teachers, but administrators, coaches, support staff, specialists, volunteers and more - all of these people help contribute to the development of our children as students and as human beings. These dedicated and talented teachers and educators truly do help our children “Reach for the Stars!”.
Show them they are appreciated with a donation to the “Teaching Stars” Program!