Groton-Dunstable Education Foundation (GDEF)
...helping our students "Reach for the Stars!"

2013-14 Mini Grants
NCTE & JEA Conventions
High School | Cook
NCTE Annual Convention
High School | Patenaude-Dumont
VEX Robotics
High School | Rocheleau
New World Countries
Middle School | Chase
Physical & Behavior Health
High School | Erickson
Noodle Tools
High School | Cook/McManus
GD Elementary Science Fair
Elementary | Teeple
Senior Project Audio Equipment
High School | Case
Literacy through Music and Poetry
Swallow Union | Frank
Woman's History Month Speaker
High School | Reynolds
iearn Global Classroom Connections
High School | Kaplan
Series Book Clubs
High School | Marino
Mystery Book Clubs
High School | Marino
Biography Book Clubs
High School | Marino
Writing Units of Study
Swallow Union | Coronis/Dodson
Social Emotional Literary Connections
Swallow Union | Murray/Ascione
Massachusetts Book Award
Florence Roche | Mills
2014 Major Grants
Safari Montage Digital Media
District Wide | Maynard
Ipads for Apple TVs
Florence Roche | Crowley
Implementation of Biotechnology
High School | Reid
Genetics Teaching Tools
High School | Salemme
AP Science Summer Institute
High School | Reid
AP Spanish Training
High School | Leibold/Penchansky
Reading Workshop Model
Elementary Schools | Volpe/Lemont