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2023-24  Mini Grants

Robotomies Sponsorship

HS | Rocheleau

GDEF sponsors the Groton-Dunstable Regional High School’s Robotics team – The Robotomies. The team competes annually in the International FIRST Robotics Competition.

Concert Hall

Chamber Choir Sponsorship

HS | White

GDEF sponsors support towards travel performance opportunities for students in the Chamber Choir to expand the artistic academia by bringing their achievements out of the classroom and into the real-world setting.

Country Flags

World of Difference Sponsorship

MS | Ogden

GDEF supports the middle school World of Difference students who will plan and host an event to create a culture of inclusion and show that the school community values different life experiences,
backgrounds, and ways of thinking.

Science Fair Event Poster sponsors_final.png

G-D Elementary Science Fair Sponsorship

SU/FR | Neff and Bellorado

GDEF is a proud sponsor of the 2024 Groton Dunstable Elementary Science Fair. Children in Kindergarten to Grade 4 have fun and learn about science at this well-loved event that brings the school community together.

Open Book

All the Light We Cannot See - Connecting the High School English Classroom to our Greater Community

HS | Burk

This grant provides literary materials to Groton Dunstable HS students to study a contemporary Pulitzer Prize-winning work. The class will engage in a student-led book discussion to explore connections to our community through the Groton Channel public access.

Playing with Letters

Literacy Game-Based Learning

FR | Bellis

This grant funds phonics games that support decoding and encoding, as well as the practice of syllable division. Learning through play is an extremely effective instructional practice, and students are able to engage with content in a fun way and build social-emotional skills in the process.

Children in Science Class

Science A-Z Skill Enrichment for 5th Grade

MS | Coletti

This grant funds supplemental activities that are multi-media, from paper based assessments, to hands-on experiments and computer based simulations to enrich 5th grade science instruction.


GDRHS DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC)

HS | Rosenfeld

GDEF is a sponsor of GDRHS student participation in the DECA International Career Development Conference. DECA is a wonderful hands-on learning opportunity for students in the Groton Dunstable community. It educates students on finance, business ethics, marketing, entrepreneurship, and hospitality curriculum.

Girl with Helmet

Helmets for Bike Rodeo Community Event

GDRSD | Pelletier

The Bike Rodeo teams up MassBikes, Groton Police, Dunstable Police, Peter Twomey Center, FloRo Elementary and Swallow Elementary for a fun and instructional event for young bike riders. GDEF funds helmets that are given out to riders who need a new one helmet has not expired and fits properly so they are safe to ride.

2023-24  Major Grants

ATMNE Conference

GDRSD | Gartland

This grant allows GDRSD staff and teachers to attend the Association of Teachers of Mathematics in New England (ATMNE) Fall conference. The goal is for teachers and staff to access new and innovative ways to help all students have equitable access to a high quality mathematics program with a focus on a conceptual understanding of mathematics concepts. 

Reading in Park

Visual Literacy

FR/SU | McEvoy and Lemont

This grant provides wordless picture books to kindergarten classrooms and literacy specialists’ rooms in Florence Roche and Swallow Union. These books are especially beneficial at the beginning of the year when most kindergarten students are not yet reading words. They provide opportunities for students to tell stories without the anxiety or frustration of not being able to read yet. Since there are no text-based language barriers, all children can engage with the visual content, become storytellers of their own, and experience the joy of reading independently.

Little Music Fan

Wonder Books

SU | Keegan

This grant funds the expansion of the Wonderbook library for 3rd and 4th grade reading levels at Swallow Union. The additional books at this level helps students expand their reading comprehension and supports equity for students who access reading in diverse ways.

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Inclusive Toys

Boutwell | Richardson

This grant added toys and materials at Boutwell that are reflective of Boutwell student, to support diversity, equity, awareness, and inclusion. The updated dolls, puzzles, books, creative materials and displays support social-emotional development and play skills within the classroom through interactive, hands-on play.

Teacher and Kids in Library

SEPAC- Diverse Books

GDRSD | Cunningham-Frisbey

This grants goal is to provide school libraries with a curated collection of books that represent individuals with disabilities in a positive and accurate manner. These books will serve as valuable resources for both teachers and parents to engage students in meaningful discussions and learning experiences.

Lab Worker

Thermal Cameras for 7th Grade Science

MS | Bennett and Richardson

This grant provides 7th grade science classrooms with sets of thermal cameras for further investigation and understanding of their heat transfer unit. They use the thermal cameras to show heat transfer through convection, conduction, and radiation. This hands-on learning opportunity makes theoretical concepts accessible to students in a way that reinforces complex ideas.

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